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There are many things with regards to how I eat that I take for granted sometimes, and only think of them more thoroughly when someone who is not practicing them on a daily basis raises the question. Just the other day, when I brought a vegan raw food cake to my Capoeira birthday Hoda, a discussion started about vegan diet, and one of the women there said, “it must be so hard being a vegan with all these restrictions!”, and while my first reaction was, no it really isn’t, i suddenly remembered that only 4 years ago when I heard of vegan people I thought they were some crazy cult which is preventing themselves from the real tasty stuff one can eat.. Then it hit me: being vegan it does look hard. But it’s really a matter of choices and best practices, like anything else. So choice is yours obviously, and i’ll try to summarize here my own best practices.
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Vegan Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) 2015 complete dinner menu
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How to make stovetop popcorn without oil
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7 tricks that will help you reduce your kitchen waste
Modular – best ever – nuts based ice cream
How to “veganize” pretty much anything
5 cool recipes made with agar agar
Which food to take for a vegan hike/trek?
How to make homemade almond milk and what to do with the leftovers (almond pulp)?